Above is what is called Admiralty Arch. It marks one end of the Mall (rhymes with "pal") which is the long ceremonial street that leads to Buckingham Palace at the other end. This was the time of the year that the queen goes off to Balmoral Castle in Scotland for two months. So they open the state apartments in the palace to us lesser beings who are willing to pay for the privilege. Turns out, it was worth it. The palace is almost literally beyond description. I also went to the Queen's Gallery--currently on display there-- a lot of china, art, and jewelry--including a two-diamond pin. First diamond was 60+ carats, the second 90+. Hard to actually believe that what you're looking at could be real diamonds. Too bad you can't take pictures there or in the palace, but I did buy the guidebook.

On the way up the Mall is Clarence House, Prince Charles' official residence. Couldn't see the building, but could see these nice fellows.
The front yard of the palace isn't much to look at--just a spot of color with the two redcoats.

Nice gate ornament. I wonder if they sell them in the gift shop?

Gee, more flowers. And are these beds well tended!

They were cutting off the wilted flower heads--I kid you not. Jamie, are you doing that with my flower beds at home?

Big statue of Victoria outside the palace. She actual spent most of her time at Windsor and Balmoral.

Look! It's me on my way to the palace.

As luck would have it for once, there was some activity nearby at the home of the Grenadier Guards. Band and everything.

There was a lot of that British tramping around and foot stamping going on.

Part of the deal was a visit to the Royal Mews--the place where they keep the horses, the coaches, and the cars.

The Irish State Coach, used by the queen to go to the opening of parliament.

Now, this is a set of wheels. This is the one that is used for coronations and other super sized occasions. Yep, it's covered with real gold and weighs four and a half tons.
We left the palace after the tour and exited into the garden where they do those big summer garden parties. They had the terrace set up with a place to eat under tents. I couldn't pass it up. I can truthfull say that I ate at Buckingham Palace.

On the way to the Tube station, I went past the Wellington Arch.
There was a very ritzy hotel nearby, complete with a doorman or two and a couple of Arab rich guys.

And there was a Bentley or two.

And just for Nick--a Lamborghini.