Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Kings College Hampstead Campus

We'll be staying in the residental housing of Kings College--Hampstead. This campus is a residence, not a place full of classrooms. Our classses are mopstly in some small seminar-type rooms. FYI--There is no air conditioning (which is typical in England, but then the temps average in the mid to upper 70's for highs in the summer. As you have been told, we will eat in a cafeterial-like setting though the dorms are what they call "self-catering" during the regular school year for British students. That means they are on their own for food. They do have a sort of kitchenette on each floor with a fridge and a facility for heating food. The location is on a quiet street in an area that has become one of the most expensive in London. There are lots of mostly 19th and early 20th century houses, some of whic go for tens of millions of British pounds. Lots of Porches, Bentleys, Jaguars, etc.

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